Tom's Thoughts

Movies are my thing. I've researched, studied and enjoyed movies for 40 years, and now I am ready to write books. My first book will be about Oklahoma movie theaters, with an emphasis on personal stories. If you have a story please email it to me.

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Location: Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States

Saturday, August 05, 2006

New haircut

Elaine and I decided to get our hair cut at Walmart instead of our normal place. After we signed in it must have been a couple of decades before Elaine was called. I was called a few minutes later. I told the little girl who was cutting my hair that I wanted something different. And you would not believe what she suggested for a 50 year old man. Her first suggestion was to spike my hair. Now that is just not me. My wife's son Wopsle told us that spiking is ageless.


Blogger Trekkietech said...

Maybe we should be more adventurous, huh? Who knows, spiking might be just what a person needs when he's fifty!!!

8:19 AM  
Blogger audrey said...

Hiya Tom,

I think you should go with some liberty spikes! Then, get a leather jacket with some chrome studs on it. Next, get one of those t-shirts of the British flag!
I can see it all in my mind... you could be the next Johnny Rotten-only better.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Trekkietech said...

Omigosh, Audrey, you'll get him killed! Some "tough" guy wouldn't be able to resist! lol

7:52 PM  
Blogger audrey said...

You know how I just love the punk thing. My next boyfriend will have many tat`s and "body modifications." THAT is what Tom needs! A giant tattoo... ohmigawd! Then we can double date! A couple of old fat chicks and their punks. We could consume mass quantities of adult beverages and urinate in the streets!

3:25 PM  
Blogger Tom Leek said...

Audrey I don't think spiking my hair would be me. And what Elaine said is true I would be standing there with my spikes and a big ass tatoo and some other punk would beat the s..t out of me. And it wouldn't matter male or female. I would need you and Elaine to protect me.

12:36 PM  

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