Tom's Thoughts

Movies are my thing. I've researched, studied and enjoyed movies for 40 years, and now I am ready to write books. My first book will be about Oklahoma movie theaters, with an emphasis on personal stories. If you have a story please email it to me.

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Location: Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States

Saturday, January 06, 2007

bilingual pet

Friday morning I woke up and crawled out of bed and went across the hall to the bathroom. On the way I heard a meow in the living room. I decided to see why the cat was talking. Well, it was Fraidy Cat, and he was sitting under the buffet meowing to our dog, Baby. He was just staring at Baby, and Baby looked like she was really paying attention to what Fraidy Cat was saying. Then Fraidy quit talking to the dog and Baby walked over to me and started to grunt and growl at me. This usually means she wants out.
So, after I got through brushing my teeth and washing my face, I led Baby to the back door and Fraidy followed. I opened the door and Baby went out, but not very far from the door. Then Fraidy went out the door. Fraidy doesn't usually just go out the door. He has to go behind the couch and sneak up on the door, then rush out. After Fraidy went out, Baby wanted back in. In retrospect, the cat was telling the dog that she is more likely to get my attention to go outside than just the cat. Baby is able to understand cat, dog, and human. Talented, huh?


Blogger audrey said...

That is a cool story. I have a cat that I think might be in love with my dog. The cat sleeps by the dog and rubs himself on her until she gets mad. Sometimes, the cat (and it is a big cat too!) will lay on the dogs bed. The dog doesn`t fuss though. She just waits until she can "steal" it back. Animals are great. People look at me funny when I tell them how many critters I have. I am cool with it though. People are disgusting mostly. I would never want to live with as many people as I do critters.

4:54 AM  
Blogger Tom Leek said...

I think you can count of pets more often than some people to be there for you when you really need someone. I have Elaine who is a people and she is always there for me. But I always get worried about my cats when they go outside when its this cold brrrr cold. Elaine sometimes thinks that I am silly to worry so much. When I am going to bed and one of my cats are outside I can't fall asleep until he comes back in.

12:18 PM  

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