Tom's Thoughts

Movies are my thing. I've researched, studied and enjoyed movies for 40 years, and now I am ready to write books. My first book will be about Oklahoma movie theaters, with an emphasis on personal stories. If you have a story please email it to me.

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Location: Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States

Friday, October 21, 2011


I am tired of film critics saying that The Jazz Singer (1927) was the turning point in movies. Because Al Jolson spoke "You haven't seen anything yet" in a type movie that Warner Brothers have been doing since 1926 which was having music and sound effects added to their films. If this was a turning point then the other studios would have been building sound stages starting in 1927. But instead the other studios would build one because they believed talking pictures was just a fad.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One of the Best Movies Ever.

When the AFI (The American Film Insititute) released the top 100 films of all time, I believe they left out a very important film, "The Birth of A Nation(1915)". This was left out because of political correctness.

For a movie to have a lasting effect of 93 years should have been enough to add it to the list. One thing the film did was nationalize the NAACP and make that organization what it is today. Another reason for adding it,is the film itself. Griffith used cutaways to great effect,along with inter-cutting between shots, and of course those close-ups and how emotional they were.

The negative part of the film is the Klu Klux Klan. But at the time of the civil war in 1865-66, it was a positive organization. The reason the KKK was born was because northerners were arriving in the south in droves, buying up plantations for back taxes. Abraham Lincoln had planned to forget the taxes during the war and let the south re-join the union as if nothing had happened.

To get back to the film itself, Griffith put his own money into the production because Biograph had pulled their backing. They thought the film would be too costly. So, he had to form his own production company, which distributed the film itself. Back in the early days of the film industry, film was distributed through what was called state rights booking, which means that a distributor in each state would pay you X amount of money for your movie and could do whatever they wanted to the print. They could cut scenes out, which some states did, to edit out the KKK. His next film, "Intolerance" (1916), was sort of an apology. In this film, he illustrated how people have been intolerant in the past, and in his present day. It's possible it was more of an explanation than an apology.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007


I was watching another documentary on the big bt or the devil's triangle. And like all other theory's on that part of the world you have the ones that believe there are logical explanations and on the other side the ones that believe that there are unexplained happenings in this world. They talk to different people who have there own theory's except if you happen to watch one on the National Geographic Channel. If you watch one of those doc's on the NGC then that conclusion they come up with is that all activity can be logically explained. And that always pisses me off because not everything can be explained in life. Can they explain how a presumed dead man which I will name Jesus rose from the dead? They can't explain that logically either.

I have a personnel experience that happened to me in the big BT. In 1978 I was in the Navy and returning from a Medcruise which is short for a Mediterranean Cruise. It was in the month of August returning to Norfolk, Virginia cruising through the heart of the big BT at night. Well my ship the USS Puget Sound a destroyer tender loss all its power and went dead. The captain sent sailors up on the 04 level of the ship with walkie talkie's trying to make contact with anybody. The 04 level of my ship would be like being 9 or 10 stories above the water. Now to get back to my story. We were without power for about 6 hours and just as mysterious when we lost power the power returned.

I forgot to mention that before we left port go Rota, Spain a well known psychic stated that a ship with the number 38 would have some unexplained problems. And my ship's number was AD-38.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

World Peace

I read a book called the secret and it is quite a eye opener. I wish more people would read my blog because I have a plan. Everybody will need to be in the same mindset and chant, "Give Peace A Chance" and put that out in the universe and see what will happen. We need this to save mankind and this world.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Vampires Alive In Oklahoma City

I work at a machine shop and I thought that the turnover was big because the pay sucks and the insurance sucks. But when I started working days I found a wooden stake at my work station. It is about 12 inches long and carved into a point. My first thought was why would you need a stake at my job? But then my mind started churning. I never know where the past employees go. Like Calvin, who used to work nights. He was working at my work station for a week after I started days and then all of a sudden he was gone. Did he suspect something, and so prepared to protect himself by sharpening a wooden stake? If so, he obviously didn't get a chance to use it.

I have been there for 4 years and there has been a large turnover. I just thought it was the reasons I listed already. Besides, there are no annual pay raises. They just give a raise whenever they get a burr up their butts. I never seem to know what happens to these people, they're just gone.

I am worried because I splintered the end of my stake. Will I be next? Hopefully my stake will still w0rk when I need it. So if I disapear you will know what happened to me.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Movie detectives

I love movie detectives and old mystery movies. Right now I am watching Mr. Wong, Detective (1938) with Boris Karloff starring as James Lee Wong. As the movie started a businessman wanted to hire Wong as a investigator. Of course he got killed before his appointment with Wong and that is how this movie begins. I believe his secretary was a plant with the bad guys and I was right! That's amazing that I guessed that. Mr. Wong is very similar to Charley Chan who was on the screen from 1930 until 1946 I believe. Mr. Wong's series lasted from 1938 until 1941 I think. Other series such as The Thin Man went from 1934 until 1941 but there only 4 movies I think.
Mysteries are great to watch. They ultimately start out with a murder and sometimes a burglary where someone gets killed during the theft. One 0f my favorites is a silent haunted house move The Cat and the Canary (1927) released by Universal Pictures. This was the first ones using an old house as the back drop. This movie was remade in 1939 with Bob Hope and also a couple more remakes. The Universal horror entries such as Frankenstein and the Mummy are great along with the rest of the series using the same character's. If you want a fun and relaxing night you should watch some old mysteries and detective movies. They have all the cliches that you probably heard about.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Leprechaun and the pot of gold

What is the deal with leprechaun's and the pot of gold? What does a little green man need all that gold for anyway? You don't see these little green men running around at the mall buying new little green outfits and new leprechaun pointy shoes. When you go to Home Depot you won't find any little green men and women looking for material to remodel their tree or cave or underground dwelling.
And why would you hide a pot of gold in such an obvious place, at the end of the rainbow? If every leprechaun hides his gold in the same place wouldn't it be easy to steal the gold? You would know where to find it. And then there are those evil leprechauns who kill you for stealing the gold. Give me a break. There should be some kind of leprechaun court with little green judges to settle the theft. Or maybe they could have it on T.V. with Judge Judy presiding over the little green men.