Tom's Thoughts

Movies are my thing. I've researched, studied and enjoyed movies for 40 years, and now I am ready to write books. My first book will be about Oklahoma movie theaters, with an emphasis on personal stories. If you have a story please email it to me.

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Location: Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States

Saturday, December 22, 2007


I was watching another documentary on the big bt or the devil's triangle. And like all other theory's on that part of the world you have the ones that believe there are logical explanations and on the other side the ones that believe that there are unexplained happenings in this world. They talk to different people who have there own theory's except if you happen to watch one on the National Geographic Channel. If you watch one of those doc's on the NGC then that conclusion they come up with is that all activity can be logically explained. And that always pisses me off because not everything can be explained in life. Can they explain how a presumed dead man which I will name Jesus rose from the dead? They can't explain that logically either.

I have a personnel experience that happened to me in the big BT. In 1978 I was in the Navy and returning from a Medcruise which is short for a Mediterranean Cruise. It was in the month of August returning to Norfolk, Virginia cruising through the heart of the big BT at night. Well my ship the USS Puget Sound a destroyer tender loss all its power and went dead. The captain sent sailors up on the 04 level of the ship with walkie talkie's trying to make contact with anybody. The 04 level of my ship would be like being 9 or 10 stories above the water. Now to get back to my story. We were without power for about 6 hours and just as mysterious when we lost power the power returned.

I forgot to mention that before we left port go Rota, Spain a well known psychic stated that a ship with the number 38 would have some unexplained problems. And my ship's number was AD-38.


Blogger audrey said...

Hi ther Tom.
I think it is just human nature to try and explain things. But I do wish people could just say "I don`t know" when they don`t know. Sheesh! Not too informative but atleast it isn`t misleading.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

5:08 AM  

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